Low-calorie diet lengthens life

How old are we going to live? Why do some flies live only a few hours and a totuga can live up to 300 years? There seems to be a relationship between energy stress and longevity. A recent article on low-calorie diets confirms in macaque monkeys, with which we share 93% of the DNA, that the caloric restriction in the diet does extend the life of these living beings.

The authors of the study are skeptical that this diet can be transferred to people in a generalized way since it requires a great discipline that very few can maintain for many years. According to them, the most realistic solution to achieve this goal is to better understand the molecular mechanisms behind caloric restriction and to develop artificial molecules that mimic them.

From Agroboca, we reinforce this idea and we encourage all to maintain in the diet an important presence of fruits and vegetables for its high nutritional value and low natural caloric intake and to counteract by its high satiating power the intake of unnecessary processed foods with very harmful effects For health and usually hypercaloric.

"The health effects are undoubted, caloric restriction protects against cardiovascular problems, neurodegeneration, diabetes and cancer, even the difference in physical appearance is hallucinating," explains Spanish biologist Rafael de Cabo, NIA researcher and One of the study's lead authors, published in Nature Communications.

Source. Divulgatio Neus Palou, La Vanguardia. Original paper Julie A. Mattison et Al, Nature Communications. Caloric restriction improves health and survival of rhesus monkey.

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