Fruits & vegetables july and august offers

You choose where. Agroboca producers send it to you wherever you are in Spain: in the mountains, on the coast or at home. Take care of your food in summer and don't compromise on quality. Always quality fruits and vegetables. Taste, nutrition and at a fair price for consumers and for the farmer.

Junto almar o en plena montaña, siempre frutas y hportalizas frescas y de temporada

Wherever you are, try to supply seasonal fruits and vegetables directly from the producer. With this habit, you control the origin and quality of the product yourself, and you get a different quality, less commercial but with a flavor that only a product harvested at its optimum point can give you. Tell your producer to harvest and prepare the product according to what you expect from a short-channel product.

SUMMER 2023 offer of fruits and vegetables, as an example
Prices without transport

Oferta Caja 5 kg peras Ercolini Ecológicas de temporada
Agricultura ecológica.Origen Lérica
5 KG pera ercolini
Caja 8,5 KG mixta de frutas y hortalizas ecológicas
3 frutas y 10 tipos de hortalizas, TODO ECO Y DE TEMPORADA
Agricultura ecológica.Origen Alemría
8,5 KG hortalizas y fruta ecológica
Caja 12 KG mixta de frutas y hortalizas ecológicas
5 frutas y 10 tipos de hortalizas, TODO ECO Y DE TEMPORADA
Agricultura ecológica.Origen Tarragona
12 KG hortalizas y fruta ecológica
Oferta caja 30-35 Kg de fruta y hortalizas ecológicas para compartir con otras dos familias
Se envían a un solo punto de destino para ahorrar en tranporte
Agricultura ecológica.Origen Navarra
33,5 KG hortalizas y fruta ecológica

Oferta Arándanos ecológicos: 1 KG frescos + 2 botes mermelada
2 botes de mermelada de 275g a elegir entre 3 sabores
Agricultura ecológica.Origen Asturias


Oferta caja mixta de 5 KG de frutas y algunas hortalizas
Agricultura ecológica.Origen Granada

Oferta mayor 500 KG cebolla semiseca ecológica 0,7€/KG
Transporte se cotiza aparte
Agricultura ecológica.Origen Navarra
500 KG cebolla semiseca ecológica
Oferta 5 cajas total 45 KG tomates premium ecológicos
Agricultura ecológica.Origen Navarra
Variedades Rosa y Feo de Tudela. Ideales para restaurantes y paladres gourmet
Puedes pedidr en total 5 cajas de 9 KG, pudiendo indicar cuantas quieres de cada variedad


Pistachos ecológicos ibéricos
Bolsa 1 KG
Agricultura ecológica. Origen Ciudad Real

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Surtido legumbres
Pack 5 KG con 5 legumbres distintas
Agricultura Convencional. Origen La Rioja

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Aceite de oliva virgen extra ecológico
Garrafa 5 litros, variedades Terres de l'Ebre Sevillenca, Farga, Morruda
Agricultura ecológica. Terres de l'Ebre

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Oferta aceite de oliva virgen extra
Garrafas 5 Litros . Variedad arbequina
Agricultura convencional. Origen Lérida

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Caja 8 KG Manzana reineta y pera conferencia
Agricultura convencional. Origen León

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Shipments to the entire peninsula, no matter where you are: in the mountains, in a rural tourism house, in a campsite, on the coast or at home with your loved ones. Take care of your food in summer and don't compromise on quality.

Publish and sell your offers

If you are a small farmer and want to publish your offer on this page or on the platform, create your Advanced store for free with a simple registration and use the contact form in case you need our support.
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About AGROBOCA. Taste, nutrition, fair prices.

Ejemplo oferta Julio Agosto
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