Are organic fruits and vegetables healthier than conventional fruits and vegetables?

Organic fruits and vegetables are healthier than conventional fruits although there is a negationist discourse to defend conventional products. We analyze as an example two contradictory articles that appeared in the same media.

We often detect a confusing and in some cases denialist discourse that tries to say that organic products are not healthier than conventional ones using arguments that are very easy to dismantle.

The first argument is to say that conventional products are just as healthy if all the harmful products added are eliminated, which is very unserious.

The second argument is to say that conventional products are equal to healthy "in populations that follow a correct diet"

It is fair to say that organic foods are healthier because the majority of the population does not follow a correct diet. Medical data published by Lancet medical journal indicate that poor diet is the second cause of death from unnatural causes. For this reason, focusing information "on populations that follow a correct diet" is very disrespectful to the majority of the population.

It is little serious to argue that conventional products are just as healthy when the regulations for the use of pesticides and fertilizers are becoming stricter, and the commercial horizon is to move towards increasingly innocuous products. In the article that we cite, it is recognized the convenience of eliminating the residues of pesticides and fungicides common in conventional fruits and vegetables, and the practical difficulty to carry it out. Unnecessary operation for organic products controlled and under certification.

Therefore, we can say that an organic product for the majority of the population under normal conditions is healthier than a conventional product.

The quoted would be like affirming that the tobacco is not harmful if its smoke is not aspired and you belong to a group of very healthy population. Fortunately today the packs are no longer denialist and show a text that says "The tobacco kills".


Example of contradictory information. Spanish press.

Hemos elegidos dos artículos de aparecidos en un mismo medio y que aparentemente son contradictorios.
En el primer artículo se indica la conveniencia de eliminar aditivos químicos mientras que en el segundo se sostiene que los productos ecológicos no son más saludables, cuando estos no presentan tales aditivos.


Los métodos más eficaces para eliminar pesticidas de frutas y verduras

Uno de los problemas de comer frutas y verduras es que no resulta tan fácil como parece evitar los restos de productos químicos, como fungicidas y pesticidas, que las impregnan



Alimentos ecológicos no son más saludables que los normales, según un estudio

Un proyecto del Observatorio de la Comunicación Científica (OCC) del Departamento de Comunicación de la UPF, bautizado como Nutrimedia, ha constatado que es "incierto" que los alimentos ecológicos sean más saludables que los convencionales o que reduzcan el riesgo de cáncer.

El estudio, que ha contado con la colaboración del Centro Cochrane Iberoamericano y de la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT), ha evidenciado que aunque algunos alimentos ecológicos muestran mejores perfiles nutricionales, "las diferencias son pequeñas para poblaciones que siguen una alimentación correcta”


Medical data published by Lancet medical journal indicate that poor diet
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