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More Agroboca

AGROBOCA. From utopia to reality.

Do you want more Agroboca with all its services? We wish to transfer our business model to any group of eco consumers, producers, agricultural associations or administrative bodies interested in reinforcing short marketing channels for fresh and quality fruits and vegetables, and that are aligned with our principles and objectives. .

Sloe jam

Blackthorn jam, like all wild fruit preserves, is tasty and good for your health. In addition, it is an excellent way to take advantage of its nutritional properties and healthy benefits even out of season.

Empuja tu modelo de impacto y llévalo a otro nivel

Agroboca busca socios: productores ecológicos, cooperativas o grupos de consumo ecológico y actores logísticos. Requisitos: disponer de la infraestructura para ejecutar las operaciones de compra, concentración, picking y expedición de pedidos, con personal e instalaciones propias.

Atmospheric water generators

Atmospheric water generators

Manufacturing drinking water in a sustainable and autonomous way is possible through condensation and filtering technology that allows the water contained in the humidity of the air to be converted into water that is safe for consumption and tastes good.

August offer fruits vegetables

Fruits & vegetables july and august offers

You choose where. Agroboca producers send it to you wherever you are in Spain: in the mountains, on the coast or at home. Take care of your food in summer and don't compromise on quality. Always quality fruits and vegetables. Taste, nutrition and at a fair price for consumers and for the farmer.

Produce water from air

Machines that produce water from air

Producing drinking water from air in a sustainable and autonomous way today is possible through condensation and filtering technology that allows the water contained in the humidity of the air to be extracted and converted into good-tasting and safe water for consumption wherever it is needed.



Sloes are similar to blueberries in shape and color, but their flavor is much more bitter, which is why they have been used as an ingredient in spirits and digestives or sugared in jams.

Offers Agriculture against inflation

Offers Agroboca against inflation

Between the cost of exploitation and the final PVP, only the farmer really has the margin to compete and create attractive offers for consumers and stores. Given the current circumstances of increased food prices, we propose that farmers take action and adjust prices during March and April. For this we will carry out a promotion Offers in fruit and vegetables against inflation with those vendors who wish to join the initiative.

Nueva ayuda 2000€ Kit Digital: Marketplace para agricultura es un Marketplaces enfocado escíficamente a la digitalzación del canal corto en frutas y hortalizas. Una solución digital diseñada para el mundo agro muy fácil de utilizar. Si tienes entre 0 y 50 trabajadores puedes solicitar esta solución del KIT DIGITAL valorada en 2.000€  o implementarla tu mismo sin coste: configurar una tienda en Agroboca es gratuito y solo te llevará 20 minutos.

2023: rebaja del IVA en frutas y hortalizas al 0% y aceite al 5%

El Consejo de Ministros ha dado luz verde este martes 27 al nuevo paquete anticrisis por la guerra de Ucrania:  esto implica que hay que reconfigurar el IVA de tus productos también en tu tienda de frutas y hortalizas de Agroboca antes del 1 de enero de 2023

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